5.99 دولار
Never forget to always remember Allah and thank him for his bounties and Graces
Covers the following topics: Excellence of the remembrance of Allah and the exhortation to it
The reward for constant remembrance of Allah
The formulas for the remembrance of Allah in the following cases: During prayer
After the prescribed payers
After Tashahhud
While bowing and prostrating
Before having sexual intercourse with one\’s wife Upon going to bed and waking up
The excellent of remembering Allah in assembly
Formulas of remembering Allah in the morning and evening
Seeking Allah\’s refuge from diseases Invoking Allah for guidance and protection from evils
The invocations to the Prophets
The excellence of invocation and its best time Invoking Allah at time of distress.
التوصيل المتوقع: 3-8 أيام عمل.
الوزن | 0.5 كيلوجرام |
نوع الغلاف | |
مقاس الكتاب | 16×11 |
الناشر |