Bolster up your Fragile Faith – كيف تقوي إيمانك الضعيف؟

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When you feel that your faith is fragile, have recourse to this authentic reference.
Full coverage of the following topics: Symptoms of Fragile faith Becoming Sinful and Committing Evil Deeds
Hardness of heart
Laziness and Negligence in Being obedient to Allah and performing Acts of Worship
Not Realizing the importance of Good Deeds
Cutting Ties of Brotherhood
Feeling no Responsibility to Work for Islam
Causes of Fragile Faith
Being Away from a Spiritual Environment for a long Time
Lack of Good Models
Abandoning the Search for Religious Knowledge
Staying in Place Swarming with Sin
The cure for Fragile Faith
Contemplating the Glorious Qur\’an Being Filled with the Greatness of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic Seeking Knowledge of the Religion
Regular Attendance of Gatherings for the Remembrance of Allah
Doing a Lot of good Deeds and Filling One\’s Time Doing Them
Worrying that One\’s Final Deed in this World might be Bad
Frequent Remembrance of Death
Remembering what will Happen on the last Day.

🚚 التوصيل المتوقع: 3-8 أيام عمل.

🛒 خصم 10% لمدة محدودة.
⚠️ معلومات عن توافر المنتج إتاحة المنتج ترتبط بدقة تحديث البائع للمخزون. عند عدم توافره نلتزم بالآتي: نبذل قصارى جهدنا لتوفيره من مصادر بديلة. نرد المبلغ المدفوع إذا لم ننجح بتوفيره. نهدي إليك تخفيضًا على طلبك القادم.
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